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The opportunities and challenges large brands face are often the same regardless of industry. And while each has its unique nuance, some the larger themes are pretty consistent.


CMO Shakeup: Turning Potential Turmoil into Triumph for Your Agency

With the average CMO tenure at about 3 years, and 22% of B2C CMOs still in their first year in the job, this turnover isn’t going to stop – and it might even speed up. While these marketing leadership changes can be a time for panic at an agency, they don’t have to be. Like any moment of change, it provides an opportunity for positive updates in the relationship from both sides.

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Top 5 Things Next-Gen Marketers are Seeking from Their Ideal Job

Attracting and holding onto top-tier talent has evolved into a make-or-break challenge for organizations striving to stay ahead. There’s a distinct shift in expectations, with prospective employee candidates demanding far more than just a paycheck from their next employer. From hundreds of mid to senior level interviews and screenings, we’ve found five essential must-haves that great talent expect from their future companies. Embracing these pillars helps to cultivate a win-win workplace culture, attracts top talent, and lays the groundwork for more #LoveMyJob moments.

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Building Intentional Brands That Last: A Conversation with Katie Dreke

Katie Dreke is a global brand strategy & innovation consultant who has worked with some of the top brands across the globe. She is a master of evaluating brand super powers and weaknesses from both an internal and consumer perspective and pinpointing the strategic moves that will unlock lasting value. Her experience living abroad in Europe, Australia and Asia combined with her innate curiosity in trends in humanity, consumer behavior, art & culture, and technology gives her a truly unique perspective.

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Artificial Intelligence

The Reality of Artificial Intelligence

Recently, at CES, the "Artificial Intelligence” label was everywhere, hailed as a revolution for business and marketing. Between the mazes of smart TVs and even smarter cars, execs rushed to the stages to evangelize the future, with AI leading the way. We’re putting AI in our phones, in our watches, headphones, eyewear, and yes – our pillows. But beyond the hype, there was a clear lack of vision about what AI really means for the future. How does any of this work? What does it mean for the workforce writ large? Why should brands, or anyone else for that matter, care?

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Social Media

Bridging The Gap: How to Connect Social Media Interactions to Business Growth

In every meeting we have about social, there's one question that’s top of mind for all our clients: How do we connect our social media interactions to tangible business growth? It's a complex problem, but one that has a relatively straightforward solution.

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The Evolution of the CMO Role: Embracing Operational Excellence

CMOs have always been the closest thing we have to ‘celebrity’ in the marketing world. Heralded as brand and cultural visionaries, harbingers of taste & trend, and leaders we look to for inspiration. While they will continue to be that, the focus of the role has to evolve.

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